Pauline Hanson Refuses to Back Down on China

As the calls for China to be held accountable for unleashing the Coronavirus pandemic on the world grow, so do the predictable attempts to silence critics of the authoritarian communist regime.

Speaking on the Today show earlier this week, Senator Hanson had the audacity to state she doesn’t trust the Chinese Government “as far she could throw them” and believes Australia should continue its push to investigate them over the Coronavirus.

Queue the cries of outrage from the media!

Luckily, Senator Hanson is not one to be dissuaded from doing what is right by hyperventilating left-wing clowns on twitter.

Delivering a master class in why you never apologise to the mob, Senator Hanson went back on air and re-affirmed her position.

Refusing to retract her remarks, Senator Hanson explained she doesn’t trust China “because China does not have the best interests of Australia at heart. China is an authoritarian communist regime that has ambitions of becoming a world superpower. Its secrecy is matched only by its self-interest.”

They only thing shocking about those sentiments is that there are still people in Australia arguing against it.

As we continue to move forward and focus on recovering from the Coronavirus pandemic, you can bet both sides of politics will be looking to let China off the hook.

That’s why we must continue to push for them to be held accountable, push for a full investigation and ignore the fools who want to let Chine of the hook.

NSW One Nation Ready to Play a Positive Role With Plan to Spearhead the Drive for Growth and Jobs

The Coronavirus from China has transformed the issues facing Australian politics and the Australian people.

Governments have spent $300 billion in ‘economic support’, yet the net outcome has been a 20% collapse in household spending and unemployment headed to 10-15%.

Many more Australians will die from the consequences of the economic downturn than from the virus itself. The social/health lockdown came too late, and now the restrictions are being lifted much too slowly.

Remarkably, a majority of the Australian workforce is now on Federal income support - something both unthinkable and unsustainable.

Debt and deficit will be with us for another decade at least.

This leaves Australia even more vulnerable to economic shocks from overseas. To fund the huge government debt, we are at the mercy of international financial markets.

We need to make our nation more self-reliant while also continuing to export to earn income, create jobs and develop new economic opportunities for our young people in particular.

There is just one long-term issue facing the nation: how do we grow our economy and create jobs. Concerns about climate change, the environment and all the Labor-Green PC issues need to be put aside.

NSW One Nation is ready to play a positive role in this new political agenda.

Rod Roberts MLC and myself have been honoured to represent you in the NSW upper house over the past 14 months. We have achieved a great deal already, but our work has become so much more important now.

We plan to spearhead the drive for growth and jobs, knowing that the public cannot rely on Labor, the Greens and the increasingly Left-wing Liberal and National Parties to achieve economic progress.

Many of Australia’s wounds are self-inflicted, with bad government policies holding back economic development. It's time to change direction and embrace the One Nation agenda.

Pauline Hanson and the Party has been right about many of these issues in the past. Now we need to turn our policies and fine intentions into improvements for Australia.

In NSW, here’s what we need to do:

1. Become a global energy super-power with flourishing coal, nuclear and gas, with the cheapest, most reliable electricity in the world (instead of the most expensive) to attract manufacturing and other investment.

2. Abandon all climate targets and subsidies, get out of Paris, and go for growth, uninhibited by the job-destroying climate change agenda.

3. Clear away green and red tape, becoming unashamedly pro-development in all jurisdictions.

4. Deal with the new mega-debt challenges by lifting economic growth, rather than raising taxes on a struggling economy and households.

5. Fix our education system to produce a highly skilled workforce, competitive against the world’s best.

6. Go for Quantitative Investment in capital works, building roads, rail, dams, power stations etc, rather than Reserve Bank Quantitative Easing (which lines the pockets of the big banks).

Thank you very much for your support.

Mark Latham MLC
NSW One Nation Leader

One Nation Announces
Candidate for Rockhampton

Pauline Hanson was in Central Queensland this week to personally endorse her new Rockhampton candidate, Torin O’Brien.

The 33-year-old Rockhampton businessman is following in the footsteps of his Grandmother, Sandra O’Brien who in 2008 also represented Rockhampton in Council’s Division 4.

Mr. O’Brien said, “It’s not the first time I’ve considered running for parliament, especially after helping my Grandma all those years ago in her campaign, but now that my family is that little bit older, it will give me a lot more flexibility to take on the job."

“My wife has thrown her support behind the idea, so it’s systems all go.”

The One Nation candidate wants a focus on three key areas across Rockhampton, including water security, youth crime, and a shakeup to the region's unemployment.

“You can’t be Australia’s beef capital without water and although parts of Queensland have had a few showers since February, we can’t lose sight of the desperate need to build water infrastructure like the Hybrid Bradfield Scheme.” Mr. O’Brien said.

“When you’ve got water security, you can expand our export markets through higher volumes of beef production and start-up new agricultural industries in neighbouring regions of Central Queensland that feedback into Rocky.”

Mr. O’Brien also flagged the need to improve employment opportunities for our youth and over 50’s.

"I find it appalling that Rockhampton has an unemployment rate above 8%, well above the state average.”

“Labor has killed off Aussie jobs in our local meatworks, they’ve all but eliminated most of the railway jobs, and they continue to try and shut down coal mining throughout our region."

“I’m horrified as a parent to think that our kids come out of school across Rockhampton and Keppel with a lesser chance of getting a job than their counterparts in the southeast corner of the state.”

“Equally I see too many people over the age of 50, thrown on the scrapheap and forced to sit on unemployment benefits for prolonged periods because the jobs and up-skilling opportunity isn’t here either.”

“Trade apprenticeships for young people must be a priority at this election, and let’s start giving these kids hope and a future.”

Mr. O’Brien works closely with young teens in his martial arts gym and supports tough love to reduce youth crime across the region.

“The last thing Rockhampton needs is to build a youth crime reputation like Townsville. We need to nip this issue in the bud while it’s still possible and I want to work with Police, the courts and our young people to offer better outcomes in this space.”

The Queensland election will be held on October 31.

You can find out more about Torin by visiting his Facebook page and showing him your support.
And with One Nation support climbing in the polls and the Palaszczuk government in disarray, there has never been a better opportunity to run as a candidate to secure critical seats throughout Queensland.

So if you are interested in putting up your hand as a candidate for the next Queensland election click this link and begin the process today.
That is this weeks recap from One Nation. 

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