What's up next this Saturday.

Hi John,

Many of you have asked how you can catch up on and share the LIVE conversations Anita's been having during these uncertain times.

Replays of recent conversations are now up here. Plus, you'll find our recent ads and videos.

From a chat with county recorder Adrian Fontes about the push for ALL mail voting, to a small business relief conversation and a dive into emergency health care fixes, Anita continues to advocate for important solutions.

This Saturday, she'll continue the conversation, this time centered on policies for women and families.

Join Anita and several special guests as they discuss how we can turn our personal frustrations into political action.

Should single moms receive extra stimulus money? Who will watch the kids as moms are called back to work? What about paid leave?

We'll also find hope and renew our spirits with a little *ME* time and fun. We need a break from all the homeschooling and multi-tasking so creative #AZ06 moms will join us for some yoga, spa-at-home and style tips. It's our Mother's Day gift.

Share this with the women in your network. Mom or not, these gender-based issues impact every woman.

Saturday at 10am

Thank you,
-Team Anita