USO Supporter,
As a top USO supporter, you’ve been personally selected to join us in honoring our heroes for the Navy’s 249th birthday today:
Honor those who serve in our Navy by signing the Navy's birthday thank-you card now.
Since Oct. 13, 1775, our brave sailors have faced some of the most demanding mental, physical and emotional challenges imaginable as they spend months away from home, isolated in remote parts of the world. The mental toll of long deployments, combined with the stress of their critical missions, can be profound.
On the Navy's birthday, these courageous service members deserve to be recognized and know that they have our deepest gratitude and support.
That's why we've set a goal to collect 50,000 signatures via email and text message from committed supporters like you on our birthday card for the U.S. Navy ahead of the midnight goal deadline:
Thank you so much for standing with the members of our Navy.
—The USO