John: A generous group of donors just agreed to TRIPLE-MATCH the first $50,000 in donations toward our final mid-month goal before the election!

Before, your $10 donation might have only helped us support one Democratic candidate, like Sherrod Brown:

Sherrod Brown

Now, donors will match your gift and add another $30 — would could help us support three more Democrats like:

Jacky Rosen, Jon Tester, Tammy Baldwin

There’s never been a better time to chip in. With polls tightening in our must-win races, we need to take advantage of this 3X-match opportunity before it’s gone:

Rush a $10 donation (becomes $40) right now to help Defend the Senate >>

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you,

— Defend the Senate