
If you’re like us, time feels a little weird right now. April whizzed by and now we’re already a full week into May. Yet it feels like we’ve been in 2020 for a lifetime.

All that is to say, Election Day is getting closer and closer. We are now just six months away from our chance to elect brand new leadership across the country. We have a chance to retire Mitch McConnell, get President Trump out of the White House, expand our majority in the House, and take back the Senate.

We have an opportunity to pick the thoughtful, proven leaders who can get us out of this crisis and back on a path of progress.

But we can’t do it without your help. Will you chip in $5, $10, or whatever you can manage right now to help us continue our mission of supporting proven leaders in key races across the country?


Six months is not a lot of time and we’ve got a lot of work to do. Thank you for whatever you can do today to help Serve America endorsed candidates.

Serve America HQ