BREAKING: Rick Scott places $10M in TV ads as the Florida Senate race enters homestretch
NBC News

Will you rush in $10 (becomes $40) to help us defeat extremist Republicans like Rick Scott and expand our Democratic Senate majority? ALL GIFTS up to the first $50,000 will be TRIPLED until 10/15 >>

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Democrat Debbie Mucarsel-Powell is just one point away from pulling off a huge upset in Florida’s Senate race:

Florida Poll: 43% Mucarsel-Powell (D), 44% Scott (R)

You read that correctly — poll after poll shows Rick Scott is vulnerable. And if Democrats flip Florida blue, then we are virtually guaranteed to hold onto the Senate.

But it won’t be easy: Rick Scott has self-funded his campaign with millions of dollars to win this race — and he just placed a $10 million ad buy with less than 25 days until November 5.

Generous Democrats are TRIPLE-MATCHING the first $50,000 in donations until our final mid-month deadline on 10/15. Chip in $10 (becomes $40!) to help us defeat MAGA Republicans like Rick Scott and Expand the Senate:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you,

— Defend the Senate