#CPUSA100 – Vision. Unity. Action.

To build a better world!

CPUSA Spring Fund Appeal

Our CPUSA needs our collective resources too!


Dear John,

It’s safe to say life won’t be the same after the covid-19 pandemic and economic crisis. The pandemic is accelerating change and deepening the interlocking global crises of capitalism and assault on democracy.

Something new is emerging. Whatever that is depends on the outcome of the intense class and democratic struggle being waged, including strikes, car caravans, online digital activity, and the 2020 elections and protecting the right to vote.

Our country is seething with anger. Millions of people are fed up with the current state of affairs and looking for an alternative, which is why the CPUSA is experiencing a surge in membership as we celebrate our 100th anniversary.

The need for the Communist Party USA could never be more apparent. No other organization offers the history, collective analysis, experience, strategy and tactics, and vision for a revolutionary transformation of society.

#CPUSA100: Vision. Unity. Action. To build a better world!

I know you believe this too. So, if you haven’t already, please take the time to renew your membership by paying your 2020 dues. It’s easy! Just go to and hit the “pay dues” button.

New members are joining from all over. Many are like Damian from Ohio, who joined after an eight-year journey, "trying to understand why these injustices exist and how they are fueled. Capitalism is a deadly system for human liberties and freedom. A communist system is the only way to true human freedom while still having an organized society.“

All of us want to be in an organization of fighters. “I joined late last year because I wanted to make an impact for the kids in concentration camps because I want to be on the right side of history,” says Ben, a new member from Houston. “I want to fight to put people ahead of profits.”


We want to be part of a community building a more humane world out of the mess created by capitalism. “For about a year now, writes Elle of Michigan, “I've been learning more about communism and realizing it addresses feelings I've had my entire life. I hate money, and I hate how the rich exploit us, I believe if we got rid of the parasites at the top, we could live peacefully with the world.”

We seek an organization animated by working-class morality, or as Anna of Colorado put it, "I have joined because I am extremely passionate about equality on a socioeconomic level and having a fair chance for every human being. I have never bought into the traditional propaganda that has been fed us from all sides, and I want to do something about it.”

The CPUSA is our collective project and labor of love. We are engaging with a growing community of activists and working people, with our analysis, ideas, and initiatives. Our collective projects include support for the People’s World news website, which last year reached 2 million unique readers, and has doubled readership since the beginning of the pandemic.

Or, a dynamic organizing center and source of information, which features fresh daily fresh content.

Or the Discord group, which offers an opportunity for cross-party sharing of ideas and experiences.

Or our online Marxist education classes. Nowhere else is collective study of Marxism offered to working people of all ages. Recent discussions involved over 200 participants.

Or CPUSA Twitter, which has doubled its followers in one year.

Whether you're new to the CPUSA or been around a while, you know this takes resources. And because we’re doing more, we need more.

We have a collective responsibility to ensure these resources. Like every other working-class organization, we are self -financed. That’s why we urge you to pay your dues and donate today. These are challenging times. But if we all do our part, we’ll make a vital contribution to winning the future we all so desperately want and need.

In solidarity,

John Bachtell
For the Fundraising Collective.







Communist Party USA
235 W. 23rd Street, 7th floor
New York, NY 10011
(Visits by appointment only)
Tel : 212-989-4994
Fax :212-229-1713
Email : [email protected]

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