End Citizens United

Friend, this is the 9TH time we’ve emailed you about our CRUCIAL January 6th Committee Assessment. We wouldn’t email so much if this wasn’t so important. You have only 8 hours left to respond to this survey or else we’ll have to ask a less informed Democrat. Look – we need your response before midnight to help us formulate our 2024 Strategy to defeat Insurrectionists and avoid any repeats of January 6th, 2021. Can you PLEASE submit your response in the next 3 minutes? >>

Begin Your Critical Survey ASAP ➞

We really hate to beg, but this is an ENORMOUS part of our 2O24 Election Strategy.

If we don’t validate this data now, the GOP will have a GIGANTIC head-start that we won’t recover from.

We’ve invested too much time into this survey for it to fail because of your missing response.

If you don’t act now, Republicans could CRUSH us for years to come. Can you take 3 minutes to let us know your thoughts? >>

Begin Your Critical Survey ASAP ➞


-End Citizens United

----------------------------FORWARDED MESSAGE-------------------------


Hey there,

We recently hand-selected you to participate in our EXCLUSIVE January 6th Committee Assessment.

Because Liz Cheney has officially left Congress, it’s more important than ever for us to update our January 6th Committee records!

We only selected [150] top Democrats, and yours is 1 of just [8] responses that we’re missing.

Please, take a few minutes to complete this survey ASAP:

Begin Your Survey ➞


Maddie B.
End Citizens United

---------FORWARDED MESSAGE-----------
From: Exclusive Assessment for Friend --- via ECU
Subject: [Liz Cheney] Access Granted to Friend
To: Friend


You've been hand-picked to participate in our EXCLUSIVE January 6th Committee Assessment! We selected only [150] top Democrats, so your response is critical for us to move forward >>

Liz Cheney

Begin Now ➞

Liz Cheney has rebuked her party in the fight for justice.

She vowed to lead the January 6th Committee until "every phone call, every conversation, every meeting leading up to, during, and after the attack" is investigated.

Now that Liz Cheney has left Congress, we've hand-picked some of our best, most trustworthy End Citizens United members to complete a short assessment of the January 6th Committee.

IMPORTANT: We need your data on the January 6th Committee immediately.
Email: [email protected]
Representing: Top Democrats
ASSESSMENT DUE: In 3:00 Minutes
Begin Now ➞

Standing by for your response,

-End Citizens United

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Thank you for supporting End Citizens United PAC. There's SO MUCH at stake this election -- Kamala Harris said it best:

Citizens United has damaged our democracy and allowed corporate money to flood our politics. We can't allow this to continue

Here's the hard truth: we NEED to hold the White House, hold the Senate, and flip the House this year. Because we NEED a two-thirds vote in both the House and Senate to pass the Constitutional Amendment to overturn Citizens United.

We know we send a lot of emails. And you might be wondering why: We aren’t a Super PAC. We’re not funded by corporate PACs. We spend EVERY DIME so efficiently by running proven effective ads to win the most competitive races, push to pass SWEEPING Campaign Finance Reform, and build our movement.

Friend, when we pass the Constitutional Amendment to overturn Citizens United, you'll be able to say you helped make that happen.

We believe that emails are a crucial way for our campaign to stay in touch with supporters like you. If you'd prefer to receive fewer emails, click here. However, if you'd prefer to unsubscribe, click here. If you'd like to donate, please click here.

From the entire End Citizens United team, thanks for your support!

End Citizens United PAC
100 M St. SE Suite 1050
Washington, D.C. 20003

PAID FOR BY END CITIZENS UNITED PAC (ENDCITIZENSUNITED.ORG) AND NOT AUTHORIZED BY ANY CANDIDATE OR CANDIDATE'S COMMITTEE. CONTRIBUTIONS TO END CITIZENS UNITED ARE NOT TAX DEDUCTIBLE. Contributions to End Citizens United will be used in End Citizens United’s sole discretion and are not being earmarked for use in any particular state or election.