Join us for an urgent call in exactly one week to hear updates on the status of Keystone XL, what we’re doing to fight back in the midst of COVID-19, and how we can win in November.

We’ve seen this too many times before, John.

Even without all the permits required to build Keystone XL, TC Energy is moving forward with construction at the US-Canada border as you read this.

They’re trying to rush this project through before the 2020 election and while the country is in quarantine. But it’s up to all of us to fight back now and elect a president in November who will stop Keystone XL once and for all. 

We’re hosting an urgent call in exactly one week to provide updates on the status of Keystone XL, what we’re doing to fight back in the midst of COVID-19, and how we can win in November. 

Will you sign up now to join our call on Thursday, May 14th at 8pm ET/5pm PT to hear from Bill McKibben, key partners, and members of the team about what’s next?

RSVP now →

If you can, please have some paper and a marker or pen available to participate in a quick activity during the call.

There is so much we need to be doing to stop this pipeline even while social distancing. From ramping up the pressure on governors along the route to stop construction amidst COVID-19 – to demanding big banks like Chase and Liberty Mutual stop financing the pipeline and harming Indigenous communities. 

While we put pressure on all sides and work to stop KXL in court, we need to also make sure that our next president is 100% committed to stopping this pipeline. The final decision could be in their hands, and if we get organized now, we can defeat Trump and guarantee that Keystone XL will be dead on day one of the next administration. 

While Joe Biden is trying to earn voters’ support, we have critical leverage to influence his platform and get him on the record to stop this project if elected. We’ve got a plan to do it, which we’ll share on the call. But none of this will be possible without you, John. 

Despite being in the administration when President Obama stopped the pipeline in light of the climate crisis – Joe Biden has so far been silent even as construction has begun and Indigenous communities are being threatened. 

Will you join our mass call next Thursday, May 14 to get up to date on Keystone XL and be part of the next chapter in this campaign?

After you RSVP you’ll receive a link to join by phone or computer. 

We’ve defeated this pipeline before, and we will do it again. 

Until we win, 

Nkenge Abidemi

RSVP now → is a global movement that fights for a just and equitable world by stopping the fossil fuel industry from continuing to destroy our climate.
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