I’ve been told I can be a little long-winded, and this email is no exception. But I hope you’ll think it’s worth a read. If you’re still skeptical, click here to support our final get-out-the-vote efforts before you go. (You can always come back later.)
This campaign has a lot of moving parts. I know it can be hard to see how you fit into the puzzle.
But the 2024 election is less than a month away. Your support between now and November 5th is critical, and, naturally, I’m prepared to lay out the logic for my argument. Here goes:
1. Your support defies Republicans’ expectations.
IL-06 isn’t a “safe” blue seat, but the MAGA media wants you to believe it is. They expect Democrats to be lulled into a sense of complacency while they keep their lips pressed firmly against Trump’s posterior.
Except…they don’t realize that this strong, robust, energetic grassroots movement is fighting for things bigger than one seat: Truth. Science. Democracy. Choice.
And we won’t rest until the job is done.
So let’s keep defying their expectations. That’s how we’ll keep IL-06 blue, win back the House, and shut down the MAGA circus for good.
2. Your support proves that we’re more united than ever.
If you’d told me in 2005 that Dick Cheney would publicly endorse a Democrat for president, I (and probably most Americans) wouldn’t have believed you for a second.
And yet, here we are. Pigs are flying.
We’ve unified a diverse coalition of Americans who refuse to hand over the reigns of power to a self-serving, authoritarian criminal. In this election, we aren’t just “Team Democrats” — we’re “Team Democracy,” and I’m incredibly proud of the big, patriotic tent we’ve built.
And if we remain united under the banner of truth and democracy, we will win in November — here in IL-06 and in battleground races nationwide.
3. Your support counters the influence of the gun and fossil fuel lobbies (and their MAGA minions).
As a proud climate hawk, unapologetic critic of gun manufacturers and the fossil fuel industry, and outspoken opponent of the far right, there are a lot of folks who want to see me defeated.
They’d love to replace me with a meek industry puppet who’ll accept their oil-soaked cash and not make any fuss.
Unfortunately for them, I’m not easily intimidated. But going toe-to-toe with the MAGA money machine is a battle I can’t win alone.
4. Your contributions minimize Republicans’ high-dollar fundraising advantage.
Republicans have spent the last 20 years gutting campaign finance regulations to ensure they could benefit from unlimited spending by corporate super PACs, billionaires, and special interest groups.
All that, and yet they still haven’t been able to overtake Democrats when it comes to small-dollar grassroots fundraising. And you know what, folks? Your $5, $25, or $100 contributions mean so much more to me than a sketchy million-dollar check ever could.
For all those reasons and more, your support is key to clinching a resounding victory on Election Day and moving this nation forward. So please, can I count on you to pitch in $25 to help get us there?
Thanks for reading,