But let's be clear: we're facing a backlash, and it’s getting worse. The LGBTQ+ community, including our trans youth, is under siege. Recent findings from The Trevor Project are alarming - nearly 4 in 10 LGBTQ+ young people contemplated ending their lives last year.
This isn't just data; it's a desperate plea for help.
I've walked in those shoes. Growing up gay in a conservative area, I attended one of those private schools. You know the type - they aim to "protect" kids from "unconventional" ideas, treating diversity like a disease to be cured.
Try as they might, they couldn't alter my identity. But their efforts left me feeling flawed and isolated.
It's one thing for a child to fret over getting a bad grade on a report card. It's entirely another to fear rejection for simply being yourself. That kind of stress leaves lasting scars.
While my family embraced me, the dread of societal rejection was crushing. I worried about losing friends, future opportunities, and any chance at a fulfilling life. Those fears still echo within me today.
This is precisely why LGBTQ+ voices need to be heard in the halls of power. We must be visible in politics, not just participating but succeeding. It's the driving force behind my congressional run.