Dear John, We hope you’re well in these difficult times. Today should have been the day we were going to the polls to elect new Green Party councillors and assembly members across England. The coronavirus crisis means the elections are postponed for a year but we are looking forward to 2021, when we are confident of building on the Green Party’s success last year - the party’s best election results in 46 years. The Green Party now has seats on 120 councils and all councillors need to have their say in how their communities are being run at this challenging time. That’s why today, we are calling on the Government to ensure that local democracy isn’t further disrupted by compelling local councils to meet virtually during this period - something many are avoiding in order to push through decisions without proper discussion and scrutiny. Today, people should have had a democratic choice. However many people are experiencing decisions that are being made without proper scrutiny, and with more power being put into the hands of a few people, especially at a local level. We need all representatives to be part of the debate. Social distancing can’t be an excuse for a lack of democracy. Sign our petition and join our call for proper scrutiny of local government during this crisis. Best wishes and stay safe, Jonathan Bartley PS. If you want to help us make our 2021 elections our best yet, join the Green Party today.
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Promoted by Judy Maciejowska on behalf of the Green Party, both at The Biscuit Factory, Unit 215 J Block, 100 Clements Road, London, SE16 4DG, United Kingdom
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