Dear John ,

WE know that we need our NHS more than ever but the government is outsourcing the crisis, giving the worst companies control over this emergency.

They're using this crisis to further privatise our NHS when staff are working night and day to keep us safe. 

Cat has written for the Guardian today about this scandal. Take action to say that you put safety over private company profit, now and when the clapping is over. 
Join the campaign to protect NHS staff and end privatisation
We won't accept these attempts to shock doctrine our NHS into further privatisation.

We can't afford to. The private sector has proven itself to be incompetent time and time again, with private profit and cost-cutting being consistently put before care. 

Hospitals with private cleaning companies are less safe, but the government gave ISS the cleaning contract at the first Nightingale Hospital anyway. 

Deloitte has already mixed up people’s results at their testing centres, as Cat highlights in her article.

Privatising our NHS further when it needs more control and resources to respond to the emergency is unforgivable. We need your help to stop this. 
Sign the petition to build power for the NHS
We're building power to end privatisation of our NHS because if this crisis shows us anything, it's that we need to fight for our collective health - and the NHS is our lifesaving organ. Keep fighting for the NHS because its needs you just like you need it. 

Sign the petition to help the NHS recover: no more outsourcing of this emergency when the NHS should be in control. 


Cat, Ellen, Pascale Chris, and Alice - the We Own It team
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