Stop the Biden Administration's radical abortion agenda!Dear Fellow Believer,
Can I ask a favor of you today?
Millions of Christians around the globe face severe persecution for their belief in Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. In places like Iran, Pakistan, or Iraq, abandoning a belief system like Islam can be a death sentence.
This can be a little hard for us to imagine in our fast paced western world today, can’t it?
Here’s a comforting truth: God's Word will not return void. Despite the grave dangers, and through the generous giving of compassionate people like you, God’s Word breaks through the darkness and nourishes the souls of those suffering for their faith.
Do you believe He will complete His good work despite the danger?
We do too.
That’s why Global Christian Relief is dedicated to meeting the needs of our faithful brothers and sisters in Christ, ensuring they can be a beacon of hope in their communities and continue to advance the Great Commission despite the risks they face.
But here’s another truth we need to confront: we can’t do this work alone. We urgently need your support to deliver the Bible—a crucial lifeline—to these persecuted Christians.
Would you be willing to step forward and make a difference?
A gift of just $25 today can provide 5 Christians with their own copy of the Bible. $50 will supply a small group with Bibles, and $150 can equip an entire home church with the Word of God. Will you shine a light into the darkness by sharing the Word of God?
Send copies of God’s Word right now into the darkest places and into the hands of those who want it most by giving at the link below. Can I count on you?
Thank you for your compassion and support of our brothers and sisters in Christ.
In His service, Dr. David Curry President and CEO of Global Christian Relief
Global Christian Relief PO BOX 27001 Santa Ana, CA 92799 |
