The criminal legal system makes it a crime to be poor. This isn’t justice.
The United States criminal legal system has effectively made poverty a crime. Don’t believe us? Consider this:
- A person with no place to sleep at night can be ticketed, fined, and even jailed for sitting on the street and closing their eyes.
- A person unable to pay a traffic ticket could face spiraling debt from interest and late fees, lose their driver's license, or even be sent to jail.
The criminal legal system makes it a crime to be poor. Add your name if you agree: It’s time for that to change.
Vera's research has revealed the devastating toll of fines, fees, court fees, and bail. This is especially true for Black people and other people of color, as well as people living in poverty.
Will you join us to stop the criminalization of poverty so that people and communities can thrive?
Vera Institute of Justice