Folks, I am personally asking you to read my message from yesterday about the partisan charade happening in Washington right now.

Mitch McConnell has forced the Senate back to D.C. — not to work on combatting the coronavirus — but to ram right-wing judges through the nomination process and pack our courts with extremist GOP rubber stamps.

Washington Republicans are playing partisan games while millions of people across the country struggle during this public health crisis. I've just about had it.

If you're with me, read my message below and then sign my petition now demanding the GOP prioritize efforts to combat the coronavirus — not their own political agenda.


-------------Original message from May 6, 2020-------------

Mitch McConnell forced the Senate back to D.C. this week — not to vote on more relief for families, front line health care workers, and small businesses. Not to work on expanding health care. Not to provide oversight on the Trump Administration’s coronavirus response.

Why did Mitch McConnell ignore CDC guidelines and threaten the health and safety of hundreds of people by calling the Senate back into session?

To vote on his right-wing nominees.

It’s outrageous, folks. I woke up at 1:00 AM Monday morning to drive over 200 miles to the closest airport in Montana that would get me to D.C. just so Trump and McConnell could ram through far-right nominees and pack our courts during a public health crisis.

I would do whatever it took to get back to D.C. to vote on legislation that would actually help Americans right now. But this partisan charade is ridiculous. Republicans in D.C. need to quit wasting time and focus on the immediate needs of families across the country.

Sign my petition now demanding Trump and McConnell prioritize efforts to combat the coronavirus — not their own ideological pet projects.


Thank you for taking action during this incredibly important moment. Unlike the GOP, I’m doing everything I can to make sure you and your family are taken care of right now.

Stay healthy,
