We just took an important step forward in our Alaska Airlines case involving Lacey Smith and Marli Brown, the two flight attendants who were fired for their religious beliefs.
The airline terminated our clients for posting their concerns about the “Equality Act” and its impact on women and people of faith on an internal company website. We filed suit against Alaska Airlines in 2022.
Today, we filed an appeal asking the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit to overturn a lower court decision against our clients. The brief was filed along with volunteer attorneys at Holtzman Vogel Baran Torchinsky & Josefiak.
In May, a federal district court handed down an alarming ruling that deprived Lacey and Marli of their chance to present their case before a jury. Instead, the court sided with Alaska Airlines and the flight attendants’ union. If that lower court opinion stands, it would empower employers to punish and discriminate against employees simply for expressing their religious beliefs.
First Liberty Senior Counsel Stephanie Taub is joined by our client Lacey Smith. They explain why this case could impact your rights in the workplace. Watch below:

This legal battle isn’t over. We’re going to continue to fight for Lacey and Marli until Alaska Airlines and the Association of Flight Attendants are held accountable for their discrimination.
Going up against a corporate giant like Alaska Airlines in federal appeals court is no easy task. These companies have huge war chests and millions at their disposal to drag on these fights with their former employees.
The only way First Liberty can take on woke corporations like Alaska Airlines is with your continued support.
By helping us win for Lacey and Marli, you could have an enormous impact for religious liberty. Winning for them would benefit all Americans facing religious discrimination in the workplace.
Lacey and Marli can’t do this alone. They need your help. Please give today and help us win their case.