

This Sexual Assault Awareness Month, in the midst of a public health crisis, we hope you found new and meaningful ways to engage your community online.

Although SAAM has come to a close, the conversation around shifting the culture, educating about consent, and supporting survivors continues and we hope you'll be a part of it. Add your voice to that conversation by taking the SAAM Feedback Survey.

In the survey, we invite you to share your goals during SAAM and how NSVRC can best support and uplift them. This information will help us improve future campaigns — especially now as we're exploring new ways to take our prevention work online. 





Take the SAAM Feedback Survey

Share feedback in this brief survey to help improve next year's SAAM campaign.



The Imprints of Sexual Trauma: How the COVID-19 Pandemic May Be Triggering Survivors 

Learn about the nature of trauma and how it may be resurfacing for survivors in this moment.



I Ask: Download and share consent resources

April may be over but you can still download and share these posters, infographics, and printable guides on consent.


Beyond "boys will be boys": The role of boys, men, and athletics in ending sexual assault

Futures Without Violence reminds us about the important role that boys and men play in ending sexual assault.  



Te Pregunto: Download and share Spanish consent resources

Explore our collection of Spanish consent handouts, graphics, and more.

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National Sexual Violence Resource Center © May 7, 2020 11:48:21 AM All rights reserved.
 Founded by the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape
This project is supported by Grant / Cooperative Agreement No. 1UF2CE002359-05 from
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors
and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
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