"...in light of the history of the Jewish people, which is replete with persecution, we have a special obligation in the fight against acts of persecution and racism."
Menachem Mazuz, Israeli High Court Justice, writing on behalf of the court in a ruling that found the acts of the Israeli Jewish defendants against Palestinians were indeed "acts of terror as part of a terrorist organization."
A spate of settler attacks against Palestinians
In recent weeks there has been an uptick in settler attacks on Palestinians and their property. The Israeli Yesh Din human rights group reported on one incident this week when a group of 15 Israeli settlers attacked and broke the leg of a Palestinian shepherd while he was grazing his flock in the northern West Bank.
Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.
May 4, 2020, - Annexation in the time of corona
Q. Why aren’t Israelis protesting the annexation clause in the new coalition agreement? Don’t they realize that annexation will move Israel much closer to either apartheid or binational status, and mortally wound Zionism?
A. The Israeli public agenda is loaded with what are apparently considered more urgent issues...
Q. Please explain, starting with the urgent issues.
A. ...The modalities of annexation are to be deliberated by the government beginning July 1...Yet as this Q and A is being written on May 4, there is no government...
Q. So what are the odds?
A. As of Monday May 4, I would say there is a 50 percent chance of new elections...
Q. And covid-19? Is the virus an urgent issue that overshadows annexation? Why are Netanyahu and the Likud’s approval rates soaring?
A. For a host of corona-related reasons...
Q. So much for the urgent issues. But even if it doesn’t happen now, annexation may return to the agenda in the near future if the stars align for Netanyahu and Trump. What are the ideological reasons that Israelis are not demonstrating? Aren’t they worried about Israel ceasing to be democratic and Jewish thanks to annexation?
A. Like in a number of other democratic countries, the public in Israel has become increasingly nationalistic and religious and less attuned to the rule of law in recent years...
Q. Assuming the Likud-Blue White coalition is ratified by the Knesset later this week and that Netanyahu heads it, what developments and actors could conceivably prevent annexation in July or at least reduce its scope?
A. ...questions to which no one currently has answers...
Q. Why are there no answers to these questions? Does covid-19 explain this seeming inability to project a mere two months from now?
A. To some extent, yes. Due to the virus, most of the world is caught up in what in intelligence terms is a "revolutionary situation"...
Produced by the Foundation for Middle East Peace in cooperation with Americans for Peace Now, where the Legislative Round-Up was conceived
- Bill, Resolutions, and Letters
- Hearings
- On the Record
TODAY, 12 Noon (Eastern)
Briefing Call with Marwan Muasher: "West Bank Annexation: A View from Jordan"
The former Jordanian Foreign Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, and Ambassador to the US and Israel will speak on the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan's views on unilateral Israeli annexation of parts of the West Bank – particularly of the Jordan Valley – a step that could jeopardize the close relations between the two nations, inluding their peace agreement.
Thursday, May 7, 12 noon (Eastern)
Dial-in Number: 951-797-1058
Participant Access Code: 147414
Next Briefing Call: Thursday, May 14, 12 noon (Eastern)
"West Bank Annexation: A View from Europe" with John Lyndon, Executive Director of the Alliance for Middle East Peace (ALLMEP). DETAILS
Forward: "American Jews: You are desperately needed in the fight against annexation" by APN's Ori Nir and Daoud Kuttab
Israel appears to be set on a dangerous anti-peace act that will destroy the very fragile and quickly lapsing chance for a Palestinian-Israeli two-state peace deal.
New PeaceCast Podcasts
Several new episodes now available to listen to, including The (Virtual) Dove - APN's live storytelling event turned into a podcast.
Episode #125: The Russian Paradox
Arkady Mazin is an expert on the Russian-speaking public in Israel. He is currently working on a book that among other topics examines attitudes among Israeli Russian speaking Jews toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Episode #124: Coalition Agreement and Annexation
An edited version of a briefing call with Yossi Alpher on the coalition agreement between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Blue and White leader Benny Gantz. The focus is on the West Bank annexation provision in the agreement.
Episodes #123 and #122: "The (Virtual) Dove" - Stories of Hope Amidst Conflict - The Ambassadors Parts I and II
These episodes are a virtual version of APN's "The Dove" featuring US and Canadian ambassadors, Part I featuring stories from two former US Consul generals to Jerusalem, Jacob (Jake) Walles and Edward Abington, and Part II from Jon Allen, former Canadian Ambassador to Israel, and Daniel Kurtzer, former US Ambassador to Israel.
LISTEN to all episodes at the PeaceCast homepage >
Ynet: "Majority of Israel's Jews oppose West Bank annexation, survey says"
According to Commanders for Israel's Security movement's poll, only one quarter of all respondents support potential annexation, and only one third of Likud voters.
New APN COVID Reports
The seventh and eighth reports in the series provide comparisons between Israel and other countries, and cover the situation of its neighbors Jordan and Egypt.
Go HERE to read these and all APN COVID Reports.
Bennett Announces Intention to Build New Settlement in E2: Peace Now to Petition
Peace Now: "This is a cynical move by a caretaker defense minister at the end of his mandate... The right thing to do is to allocate the land for Palestinian construction, but the Ministry of Defense is currently run by an irresponsible politician willing to cross any red line in the name of his anti-democratic ideology."
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