So far, more than 30 million Americans have watched Tiger King – and seen firsthand the cruelty and danger of keeping lions, tigers, and other big cats as pets.

Some states have passed laws to protect big cats and other animals, but the lack of a national law leaves massive loopholes for animal abusers to slip through.

Now that millions of people realize that private ownership of big cats is dangerous and greedy – not cool and quirky – more people than ever support ending the exploitation of these magnificent animals.

Tell Congress: Big cats are not pets! Add your name.

Add your name to tell Congress: The time is now; end private ownership of big cats!

Big cats are wild animals. Domesticated dogs and cats have been bred for generations to respond to training and live among humans. Tigers have not; no matter how carefully they're raised, they're still dangerous to their owners and their communities.

Private ownership of big cats is also cruel to the animals, as profit-hungry breeders and selfish "collectors" ignore genetic risks, abuse animals without consequence, and abandon or euthanize cubs once they've gotten too big.

Our country is better than this.

The big cats can't advocate for themselves. It's up to us to step up and make sure that they receive the protection they deserve.

Please sign the petition to end abusive private ownership of big cats.


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