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BC Hydro
Where you do place your underground service ducts? Do you leave your service ducts exposed on the exterior wall, do you build out around them, or do you run them within the wall? If your underground service ducts are not exposed, check BC Hydro’s Information Bulletin 2020-16 to see if you are in compliance.
Six-month Interim Period for Compliance
In recognition that there may be a number of home builders and electricians that may not have received BC Hydro’s earlier communication regarding its service duct requirements, BC Hydro will be accepting two (2) non-standard installation methods for an interim period of 6 months, until November 1, 2020. See Information Bulletin Table 2, Options 5 and 6 on page 3.
CHBA BC invited BC Hydro to participate in our Technical Research Committee to develop acceptable options for service duct and meter base installations in compliance with all applicable regulations. See Information Bulletin Table 1 on page 3 for the current list of acceptable installation options.
You can read the information bulletin here.
Georgie's Corner
Stay tuned, exciting news to come shortly regarding the 2020 Georgie Awards celebration! |
Government of B.C.
The government of British Columbia has declared the safe construction and operation of buildings to be essential services during the COVID-19 pandemic.
You can find the following information on their main webpage:
Public Hearings Are Now Online
COVID-19 Layoff Period has been Extended
The construction industry is having to balance the safety of their employees and families with the struggle of maintaining some sense of normalcy through the COVID-19 pandemic. Businesses are reducing on-site teams to allow for physical distancing. The construction pace has slowed as companies use rotating teams to minimize the number of people in contact with each other.
Government of Canada
Please consult the following page for information on the economic support available for both individuals and businesses from the federal government.
During this time of crisis and uncertainty, it is not uncommon to experience heightened senses of stress, anxiety, and other mental health related difficulties. While all of us are urged to follow the hygiene and social distancing measures at the direction of public health authorities and the government, we must ensure that our mental health likewise receives proper attention and care.
The following webpage: includes useful links to resources on handling COVID-19. Please check back regularly, as the BCCSA continues to update all COVID-19 related resources and pages on a daily basis.

50 Minthorn Blvd.Suite 800, Thornhill, Ontario L3T 7X8