Our Lady
of Fatima – Miracle of the Sun, 3 Holy Masses, Oct. 11-13, Submit Your Intentions

Dear Friend,
On July 13, 1917, Our Lady told the
three Fatima seers, Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta:
“You must come here every
month, and in October I will tell you who I am and what I want. I will
then perform a miracle so that all may believe.”
October 13, 1917 was the last
Marian apparition at Fatima. This year marks the 107TH Anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun, promised by the Blessed
Mother, that over 70,000 witnessed. This included atheists,
socialists, representatives of the Portuguese media, as well as others
who despised the Catholic Church. The sun actually appeared to be
dancing, twirling in the sky. Then it seemed to hurdle towards the
earth, terrifying people. It had rained heavily before Our Lady’s
apparition. The roads were muddy; the grounds were drenched. After the
miracle of the sun stopped, the clothes of those who were there dried
instantly. The muddy ground quickly hardened and became dry, as if it
had not rained in weeks.
The miracle of the sun proved that
the Marian apparitions were real and God is still relevant in the
Join me in invoking the aid of Our
Lady of Fatima during three days of Holy Masses and
prayers, beginning on October 11 and ending on the 107TH Anniversary
of the Miracle of the Sun, October 13.
As I have spoken so many times over
the years, the message of Our Lady at Fatima is prayer and reparation.
Our Lady had said that the world had turned against her Son, the world
had been distracted, the world was on a wrong course. She was calling
the faithful to come back and make reparation, to make sacrifices, do
penances and pray the Holy Rosary. Our Mother came to Fatima to
implore us to pray the Rosary, wear the Scapular, make the Five First
Saturdays. Consequently, it wasn’t heeded and we still see a lot of
evil in the world, even after the Consecration to the Immaculate Heart
of Mary that was led by Pope Francis in 2021.
Have you been praying the Holy
Rosary daily for:
~ peace, to stop the killings,
violence and unrest in the world
~ the conversion of
Please add these intentions, which
are critical now:
~ the traditional family and the
protection of children
~ all those who are participating
in the Synod at the Vatican this month
~ for peace and an end to all
conflicts in Israel, Palestine, Ukraine and Russia
~ for all those who are suffering
due to natural disasters, those who are helping to bring in food and
supplies, as well as all who are in the path of hurricane
~ for the upcoming presidential
We have to pray with conviction and
faith that when we say those Hail Mary’s to the Blessed Mother that
God is going to intervene. Never become discouraged. There’s never
anything that is too big, too overwhelming – a situation in your
family, with your loved one, that is too critical, that the Blessed
Mother cannot help. We all have those situations and must have the
same confidence when we pray. A loved one’s conversion may not happen
immediately. But I have seen it with Our Lady of Fatima. That is why
Our Lady of Fatima is so relevant today.
Our Lady came to Fatima to ask us
to change our lives. We can begin anew with the meditations and
prayers that will be emailed, beginning on October 11.
May Our Lady of Fatima deliver us
from all danger and obtain peace for the world.
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action for Faith and Family
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