See what's coming down the pike!
Dear John -
One of CCL's Core Values ([link removed]) is working across the aisle on climate change. One of the ways we do this is sharing the skills of taking to each other as allies rather than adversaries. Join us for this training workshop on May 12:
** Conservative Messaging Workshop
Join Citizens' Climate Lobby DC for a Conservative Messaging Workshop ([link removed]) led by Jacob Abel, a CCL Conservative Fellow, to discuss the most effective strategies for reaching out to conservatives on climate change. The workshop will be an opportunity for those that lean towards the left side of the political spectrum to:
• Understand which messaging strategies work best for conservative audiences
• Learn to view climate issues from the right side of the political spectrum
• Overcome common barriers and conversation-stoppers when communicating with conservatives
• Learn about the many different types of conservative audiences
• Build trust and ultimately form relationships and partnerships with conservatives and conservative groups
What: CCL Conservative Messaging Workshop
When: Tuesday May 12, 7pm
Where: Webinar (RSVP ([link removed]) for details)
RSVP for Conservative Messaging Workshop ([link removed])
Saturday, May 9:
CCL's Monthly Climate Speaker Series
& DC Chapter May Meeting
Citizens' Climate Lobby invites you to a webinar with CCL favorite Dr. Natasha DeJarnett ([link removed]) from the National Environmental Health Association. CCL holds a webinar with a climate expert to provide new insights every month. Join this virtual watch-party with the DC chapter to expand your climate outlook!
RSVP here for Dr DeJarnett at 1pm, Sat May 9 ([link removed]) .
Immediately afterwards, join CCL DC for our May chapter meeting ([link removed]) from 1:45 to 3:30. We will discuss the upcoming June Conference and Lobby Day, coordinate action in our breakout teams, and generally enjoy our climate community. Don't miss this online conversation with like-minded climate advocates!
This is a great way to get to know your local chapter and get involved!
RSVP for the meeting ([link removed]) below. Sat. May 9, 1:45pm.
RSVP for DC May Chapter Meeting ([link removed])
** May Letter to the Editor Party
We're getting together *virtually* to increase visibility on climate action
[link removed]
In this "Writers' Workshop" you can write letters to the editor, get trained on how to write letters to the editor, and write content that inspires action on climate change. We submit our letters using CCL's media tool.
When: Wednesday, May 20 at from 6:00pm to 7:30pm
Where: Zoom - you will be sent the link ahead of the event
RSVP here ([link removed])
RSVP for LTE on May 20th ([link removed])
Volunteer opportunity: Our chapter's Communications team is launching! We are still in need of volunteers to (1) engage with folks on Facebook, (2) create simple graphics for events like the ones above, and (3) wherever else you see a communications gap. Please reach out to Debbie ([link removed]) if you're interested.
Quick actions you can take for the climate:
* Sign up to call Congress once a month ([link removed])
* Send a Tweet to our member of Congress ([link removed])
* Join CCL's weekly introductory call ([link removed])
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