John, Barack Obama said it best:

Democracy Defense Fund is committed to running a multi-pronged approach to counter the right-wing attacks on our democratic republic. That includes winning the White House and focusing on key battleground races down-ballot, but we can’t do it without your support — chip in to my org Democracy Defense Fund to help close the chapter on the era of Donald and his enablers for good!
We’re just around the corner from a major test for our nation — one that we failed in 2016 and passed by the skin of our teeth in 2020. And we’ve been backsliding ever since.
The test is this: Who do we want to be as a country? Who do we want leading us? What do we want our leaders to inspire in us? Do we want to be led by somebody who thrives on our division? Somebody who would strip this country for parts simply to enrich himself?
Or do we want a leader who will try to unite us? Who believes in the fundamental concept of democracy, and who will do everything in her power to strengthen what Donald Trump and the Republican Party have weakened? We know what our answer is, and we’re ready to do everything we can to make it a reality. Pitch in to help elect Kamala Harris and Tim Walz AND ensure that they have a Democratic House and Senate that will partner with their administration to deliver the change we need!
This is our test to pass. It is entirely up to us how this goes down.
Together we can win,
Mary Trump
