I have some exciting news: We have a real chance of actually, finally, seriously defeating Ted Cruz in less than a month. Just think of it: Not only will we hold the Senate, but when the legislation comes up next year to codify abortion rights and reproductive freedom nationwide, it will be Colin Allred, the newly-elected Senator from Texas, casting the deciding vote. I’m here to tell you this isn’t fantasy; it’s within reach.
My Texas bonafides. I got started in politics working for Lloyd Doggett, then the chair of the Texas Democratic congressional delegation. I worked for him in Congress and ran his congressional reelection field program across eight urban, suburban, and rural counties. I knocked on doors with Indivisible throughout the state for Beto O’Rourke. And just for fun I’ve read and re-read all 3,345 pages of Robert Caro’s magisterial biography of our only Texan president, Lyndon Johnson. Trust me when I say I love Texas politics.
3 reasons why we can win
And also trust me when I say: We can defeat Ted Cruz this year. I’ll give you three reasons:
- Demographic changes favor us. In 2018, out of 8 million votes cast, Cruz won by only about 200,000 votes. Since then, Texas has added more than two million voters to the rolls -- disproportionately new young voters and Latinos that favor Democrats by as much as a 2:1 margin.
- Cruz is scared he’s on the losing side. Check this out in the Texas Tribune this week: “Facing a tight race, Ted Cruz goes quiet on abortion.” Cruz knows this race is tight and that his opposition to abortion rights is hurting him, so he’s trying to hide. But Texas is ground zero for the fight for abortion rights -- just this week, the Supreme Court rejected the Biden administration’s attempt to protect the right to emergency abortions in the state. Cruz is on the wrong, deeply unpopular side of this issue. Colin Allred has been tied or ahead of Cruz in multiple polls, and he just outraised Cruz by almost 50%.
- Indivisible is ramping up in Texas. I am so excited to announce this. As of literally today, Indivisible is investing new resources into Texas, including:
- Pushing and advertising Neighbor-2-Neighbor local voter contact in key, vote-rich areas of the state
- Hiring on-the-ground organizers and offering digital recruitment support for events
- Sending more money directly to our local Indivisible groups on the ground
- Offering more merch to generate buzz and volunteer shifts
We’ve got a secret weapon: neighbors. As I covered with Alex Wagner on MSNBC last week, the challenge this year is not convincing Trump/Cruz voters to come to our side. Our challenge is making sure apolitical, reluctant potential voters who are pro-abortion rights and pro-democracy understand the stakes and get out to vote.
I think there is no better way to break through the noise of this campaign than mobilizing enthusiastic neighbors to talk to their unenthusiastic but aligned neighbors. We know this works because we’ve tested it -- it’s the most impactful form of voter contact we’ve ever tried at Indivisible.
Help us with this final push! This is as grassroots as grassroots can be. There’s not a big donor waiting in the wings to make this happen. We’re pushing forward now because time is of the essence, and I am guessing there are enough people out there who want to defeat Cruz as much as I do to throw in $50 or $100 to help us do it. So I have two asks:
- If you have any relatives, friends, or family in Texas. Please click the forward button on this email and send it to them. We want their help reaching out to neighbors. They can sign up for 10 neighbors here.
- Please help us fund this work on the ground in Texas. We have other pots of funds for other battlegrounds, but we're relying on donors from this email to help fund the work on the front lines in Texas.
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Let’s get ‘er done.
In solidarity, Ezra
Ezra Levin
Co-Executive Director
Pronouns: He/him