Mises Institute
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
The Keynesian Multiplier Fairy Tale
Frank Shostak
One of the myths of Keynesian theory is that through monetary injections and government purchases, an economy can spend itself into prosperity. While such a scenario is economically impossible, most mainstream economists still believe it.
Freedom of Association and Cancel Culture
Wanjiru Njoya
As Murray Rothbard often noted, freedom of association is a fundamental right, what he called a “subset of private property rights.” Unfortunately, our modern cancel culture has taken aim at this right, taking away the voluntary nature of human interaction.
An Economy So Strong It Requires Crisis-Level Fed Action
The Federal Reserve’s specialty is propaganda through data, with a long record of failure.
The Denarius and the Dollar: Price Controls Then and Now
The more things change, the more they remain the same.
Survey Says: Disconnects Abound in School Opinions and Knowledge
Over 64 percent of school parents believe that K-12 education is headed in the wrong direction, which is a significant 8% increase just in the last year.
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The Mirage of Honest Government
What passes for “honest government” is a government that efficiently takes wealth from productive people and transfers it to those who are politically-connected.
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Economic Calculation and the Entrepreneur
The concept of economic calculation is vitally important to understanding our modern economy, yet few people comprehend that it even exists.
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Answering the Same Old Arguments Against Sound Money
Tom Woods at the 2012 Mises Circle in Manhattan.
Why American History Is Not What They Say

The state and its creations are not the heroes. The producers of capital, the average people, the voluntary society: these are the forces that make up civilization.

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