Dear John,

I'm endorsing Raph Graybill to be our next Attorney General. 

Here's what I told papers across the state:
Graybill fights for workers, stands up to profiteers
Missoulian 5/6/20

We’re all suffering more anxiety than normal these days. I normally worry about attacks on pensions and collective bargaining; I lose sleep over privatization and money in politics.
Now this pandemic is heaped on the worry list and I, like the rest of Montana, am doing what I can to flatten the curve. I’m staying at home, sewing masks and waiting it out. One relief while I’m “waiting it out” is to picture Montana’s future with Raph Graybill as attorney general.
Graybill will stand up for workers. When the U.S. Supreme Court wrongly decided Janus, Graybill was there to defend our rights to collectively bargain and have a voice in our workplace. Graybill will stand up against privatizers and profiteers. He defended Montana’s Constitution and its authors against those who would profit off of public education while locking some students out of it entirely. I know Graybill will stand up against dark money in politics because he stood up against the IRS to uphold Montana’s strong campaign finance laws.
I want a Montana’s attorney general to be a fighter in my corner. Graybill has a long future ahead of him in Montana politics, starting with attorney general.
Amanda Curtis,
Will you join me in donating to support Raph Graybill's campaign today?

-Amanda Curtis
If you haven't already seen Raph Graybill's powerful first campaign video, please watch below. 
Supporting the campaign: Raph is currently working full time to support Governor Bullock. With the outbreak of COVID-19, we’ve cancelled all in-person fundraisers and events. But this election is more important than ever, especially with our access to healthcare on the line. If you want to continue to support our efforts to put a fighter for Montana in the Attorney General’s office, you can do so HERE.
About Raph: Raph Graybill is Chief Legal Counsel to Governor Steve Bullock. A fifth-generation Montanan from Great Falls, Graybill won a Rhodes Scholarship and graduated from Yale Law School. Graybill beat the Trump Administration in court over dark money, protected our public lands from out-of-state developers, and defended Montana's public schools.

The non-partisan
 Cook Political Report rates Graybill as the top Democratic candidate to win back the Attorney General's office this fall.

Paid for by Friends of Raph Graybill, PO Box 2728, Great Falls, MT 59403. Democrat.

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