Building No Kill Communities!
Dear John,

Roxanne, Poochie, and Cleveland were adopted yesterday. Thanks to you, they will always know full bowls, warm beds, and families who love them more each day. 

Our PAWS Chicago community always stands up for animals. You showed it again during Giving Tuesday Now, when 1,120 animal lovers donated to give homeless pets a second chance! Your support means we receive the entire $25,000 match from The Coleman Foundation. So many more animals will be saved.

Roxanne, Poochie, and Cleveland are just three of the 1,496 pets adopted and the 942 placed in foster homes—all since January 1. All in the middle of an earth-shaking pandemic. All possible for only one reason: your generous support.

Again, thank you. The animals would say it if they could. And we can't say it enough. 
You make all the difference to so many animals. These faces say more than we can about how grateful we are for you, and how thankful we are that you help save homeless pets everyday.

Please stay safe,
Paula Fasseas
Founder and Chair
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