Donna’s millions of thriving bees went silent a few weeks ago, falling dead in heaps in the middle of the blooming wildflower field where they had lived for years.
She’s not alone.
Beekeepers everywhere are experiencing higher than normal die offs, threatening the already desperate bee population.
The culprit is often heavy and illegal pesticide use by nearby farmers or corporations. But it’s impossible to prove and even harder to enforce, until now. Donna raised enough money from small online donations to test her bees, identify the pesticide and investigate the culprit. Now the government is involved and the bee killers are being tracked down.
There are so many devastated bee stewards like Donna who need help finding their own bee killers and stopping them inflicting more damage. We can help.
Each test is $10,000 and if just a hundred of us reading this email give a hundred $ we can launch an investigation. If thousands of us give, we can launch investigations all over the world and start to really claw back the pesticide abuse threatening bees everywhere!
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One investigation is an important start. But a movement of people committed to protecting bees across the planet, ready to investigate die offs, campaign against the companies causing them and hold them accountable? That’s a world changing force!
That’s what we can do together if we raise enough right now.
There is no one these beekeepers can turn to when devastation strikes. Donna was lucky enough to raise money from her community. But regulators wouldn’t do anything until she had the evidence in hand. We know that bees are essential to our food and life, but when those tending to the struggling bee population face attack from reckless corporations and farms, no one steps in.
We can change this – giving hope to those reeling from such huge losses and scaring off those poisoning bees with impunity. Let’s come together now and make it happen:
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Over and over again our community has stepped in when governments have failed to regulate the corporations under their watch. Billions of bees have fallen victim to this failure. It’s about time we stood up and said, enough is enough.