From Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board <>
Subject LCB Board meeting: July 9, 10 a.m.
Date October 7, 2024 11:20 PM
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*Oct. 7, 2024*

Good afternoon,


The Board will be holding its next Board meeting on Wed., October 9, 2024, at 10 a.m.


Since June 9, 2022, all public Board activities are held in a “hybrid” environment. This means the Board opens the Boardroom at the headquarters building in Olympia (1025 Union Avenue, Olympia, WA 98504) for in-person attendance as well as continuing the broadcasts online via MS Teams. TVW also regularly airs these meetings; those links will be provided when available. Please note that although the Boardroom is staffed during meetings, Board members and agency participants may continue to appear virtually. Please contact with any questions.


The link to observe online and the number for the public to dial in and listen to the meeting are noted below. The agenda is here [ [link removed] ], and additional documents can be found on the Board’s calendar page, here [ [link removed] ].

* *

*Written summaries for General Comments are appreciated. *Please submit your written comments to


*If interested, you can also provide oral comment at the end of the meeting during “General Public Comments” either in person or virtually via MS Teams.* Requests to testify online are appreciated by close of business the day prior to a meeting but must be received no later than 9 a.m. the day of the meeting. Please email to register for virtual testimony. If you plan to testify in person, you must sign the register at the entrance to the Boardroom before the meeting begins that day. All comments will be limited to three minutes per person.


These instructions are separate from the information below which is for observing/listening only.


To connect to TVW and *observe* the meeting, click here [ [link removed] ].

To connect to MS Teams and *observe* the meeting, click here [ [link removed] ], then:


* If you have the MS Teams app on your device, select “Open Microsoft Teams” when prompted.
* If you do not have the MS Teams app, select “Continue on this browser” when prompted.


To dial-in and *listen* to the meeting:

* Call: 1.564.999.2000
* Conference ID: 334 916 238#


Please note the dial-in option can only be used to listen to the meeting. All attendees whether online or on the phone will be muted and cameras will be unavailable. Only the Board members, Policy and Rules staff, Board staff and those signed in for virtual public comment will have audio and video capabilities enabled during the meeting. Chat and emoji/reaction features are not available.


Thank you for your ongoing interest in LCB’s Board activity. This hybrid meeting represents our interest in hearing from you as we continue to look for engagement opportunities.


Please contact directly with questions regarding process.


Take care,



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