Modern Collection

Is it any surprise that gun sales are literally exploding while we are in the midst of a pandemic?  During this time of “sheltering in place” and where we are being forced to distance ourselves from friends and family, why are people flocking to gun stores – at least those that are still open?  

GOC is not surprised by this – in times of uncertainty, people will do whatever they can to feel safe and secure, and many are realizing that being armed is one of the best steps they can take to protect their homes and families.  Read about this below and in sharp contrast – if you can stomach it, that is – read what the NY Times has to say about guns and the pandemic.  They theorize that as a nation, we are immune to deaths by guns and will also become immune to deaths from the coronavirus. That earns a big, fat eyeroll from us. That’s why it’s so important to STAND with GOC and be ARMED AND INFORMED! Join us by donating now!

Meanwhile, there’s some Supreme Court activity on 2nd Amendment cases, Joe Biden continues his anti-gun journey to the presidency, and our neighbor to the north bans more guns.


And guess what? 

The Legislature has declared themselves “essential” and have returned to the Capitol. Read what GOC has to say about this here.


Gun Sales Amid Coronavirus Pandemic Spike 71% In April | Fox Business

Estimated 1.79M guns sold in April.

Supreme Court Moves Ten 2nd Amendment Cases to Conference | Ammoland

Next steps are going to be critical.

Biden Enjoys Armed Protection While Fighting to Disarm Americans | Breitbart

Typical anti-gun Leftist!

For 2020 Democrats, Veepstakes Decided by Gun Control | NSSF

Biden is sure to pick someone just as awful on the 2nd Amendment.

Open States, Lots of Guns | NY Times

Leftist paper says we are “paying a heavy price for freedom.”

The 2nd Amendment Day of Reckoning | Natn’l Review

And it’s about to dawn.

Canada Bans ‘Assault’ Style Rifles Effective Immediately | American Military News

And it won’t solve any problems at all.

Senators Warn Banks: Don’t Use Recovery Funds to Target Gun Co’s | Breitbart

Republican lawmakers step in on behalf of firearm businesses.

Why Are Democrats Disarming Citizens & Setting Prisoners Free? | GOA

Great piece by Dan Wos.

GOA Joins Seb Gorka – Listen! |YouTube / GOA

They discuss the pandemic and how the 2nd Amendment is impacted.

Researchers Unhappy With Good Research…| NSSF

So they publish junk instead.

Working Through A Crisis: American Shooting Centers | NSSF

Surviving through closures and a pandemic
