Lessons of Kristallnacht, “Civil War,” and Mass Deportation
Episode 220 uploaded October 6: Host Sam Goldman recaps recent developments including Jack Smith’s recent court filing
detailing the 2020 Trump coup attempt, the fascist disinformation
campaign that is actively harming people in need of help and accurate
information in the wake of Hurricane Helene while somehow blaming
Democrats and more than anything, immigrants, for this climate-fueled
destruction; and of course the “eyeliner on a pig” fascism on display
during the Walz/Vance debate.
She speaks with Zoltán Grossman, author of Lessons of Kristallnacht, “Civil War,” and Mass Deportation. Dr.
Grossman is Professor of Geography and Native American and Indigenous
Studies, The Evergreen State College, Olympia, Washington.
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Zoltan Grossman: The Republicans have given up on a mass majority in this country turning more towards violence. I'm much more worried about a post-election scenario that could be much worse than January 6. 2021, when we had three armed paramilitary groups roaming around, following Black Lives Matter, being backed up by the police. They were targeting people because of their race, religion, political beliefs. They were armed wings of fascist movements. If you look at this idea of illegal vigilantism, what happens when a sheriff deputizes these guys and they set up roadblocks certain situations, the law is malleable and flexible? If you're hanging your hat on that idea of illegality, what happens when they're given this legal veneer?
Refuse Fascism Patron Discussion of War Game documentary
Sunday October
13 3:00pm ET / 12:00pm PT on Zoom
Be sure to watch the War Game film ahead of
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