There are no small parts to play during election season.

There are no small parts to play during election season.


America, you great unfinished symphony, you sent for me,
You let me make a difference, a place where even orphan immigrants
Can leave their fingerprints and rise up

I still get chills whenever I hear the closing song of Hamilton. It’s a reminder that the work to make our country a more perfect union is still going, and everyone has a role to play. 

In theater they say there’s no such thing as a small part, and that is absolutely true in this election. That’s why I need you to be in the Zoom where it happens tonight.

Sign up now to join the cast of Hamilton tonight at 8pm ET/5pm PT for a letter writing party to help turn out unlikely voters in November.


Letter writing is a proven way to encourage on-the-fence voters. Seeing your handwriting on paper urging them to cast a ballot this fall could make all the difference in a race that’s so close, with so much at stake. 

Plus it’s with the cast of a groundbreaking, game-changing musical—is there anything better than that? Don’t throw away your shot to play a role in an unlikely voter’s story. Your letter might make all the difference to them.

History has its eyes on you. Make sure you’re on the right side of it by signing up to join the party and write letters today.

Thanks for all that you do, 

Maggie Moore
Senior Director of Digital Content


Paid for by Stand Up America
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