
The nonpartisan experts at Inside Elections rank Sherrod Brown as the ONLY toss-up Senate race on the ballot. Mitch McConnell’s allies are spending $64 million to boost their candidate, and polls are statistically tied.

Will you rush in $10 to help us elect Democrats like Sherrod Brown against Mitch McConnell’s handpicked candidates? The first $25,000 in gifts will be 300%-MATCHED to Defend the Senate, but only until 11:59 P.M. tonight.


Mitch McConnell has his eyes on flipping Ohio red this November. His allies are launching new attack ads to tear down Sherrod Brown — and now, a recent poll has this race neck-and-neck at 46-44.

Democrats can’t hold the Senate majority if we don’t re-elect Sherrod Brown in Ohio, John.

We’re running ads to boost Sherrod Brown right now — but if we don’t reach more Ohioans, Mitch McConnell’s allies could get the upper hand and install their handpicked candidate.

If you care about defending our hard-fought progress, then we’re calling on 87 Philadelphia Democrats to step up: Please pitch in $10 ($40 impact!) to Defend the Senate >>

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— Defend the Senate