Developing and advancing policies that enhance people’s freedom


“When a surfer in the ocean is arrested for violating stay-at-home orders in Southern California, or a father in Colorado is arrested for not social distancing while playing with his wife and child at a park, or two women in San Diego County are targeted for prosecution after organizing shutdown protests, it’s clear that something other than public health is at play.”

- Dr. Joseph A Ladapo, Associate Professor, UCLA's David Geffen School of Medicine


China Is Exploiting the Coronavirus Chaos to Advance Its Agenda

China’s dictator, President Xi Jinping, aspires to transform his country into the world’s supreme power, a goal he calls “the China Dream.” To that end, Xi has been exploiting the chaos, fear, and ruin of the coronavirus pandemic to try to advance an agenda that would place China at the center of a new global order. The good news is that Americans are waking up to the reality that Xi’s dream is, in practice, a nightmare—not only for the people of China, but for the world. This recognition comes not a moment too soon. 


An Emergency Room PA Shares What It's Like Working During COVID-19

Melissa Rogers is a mother of three and a physician assistant at a Baltimore, Maryland area hospital. She describes what the coronavirus outbreak has been like, including how she’s treating patients with the virus and working to conserve critical PPE equipment. She’s a true hero, and we’re proud to feature her in our #InThisTogether series.


Join #IWFReads May Meetup with Shannon Bream

For our May #IWFReads Book Club meetup, we're reading Finding the Bright Side: The Art of Chasing What Matters by Shannon Bream. It's a deeply personal book about finding purpose and growth amid life’s unpredictability. 

Sign up now to receive special opportunities only available to book club members.


Court-Packing and Judicial Independence

Since 1869, the U.S. Supreme Court has consisted of nine members (eight associate justices and one chief justice). Recently, some progressive politicians, who do not agree with certain Court rulings, have threatened to “restructure” the Court if it does not change course.

Can you identify which of the following statements about court-packing is not true?

A:  Proposals by members of Congress to “restructure” the Supreme Court are a blatant political power grab.
B:  Adding justices to the Court would be both impractical and overly politicize the Court.
C:  A president and Senate that act swiftly to fill judicial vacancies that arise in the normal course is also engaged in “court-packing.”
NICU Bans: Considering the Health Costs to Babies and Parents


Leftist Feminists Set New #MeToo Standard to Sideline Biden Accusation

Self-proclaimed feminist progressives are showing they never intended to #BelieveAllWomen—just some. It’s Progressive Privilege at its worst. First, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi endorsed Joe Biden just days after a CNN video corroborating Tara Reade’s claims of sexual assault went public. Then, after Business Insider reported Reade’s former neighbor and a former colleague both corroborating her account, Sen. Kamala Harris participated in a campaign event for Biden and Hillary Clinton endorsed him.

The Private Sector Will Make Reopening Society Possible

States and localities are beginning to lift shelter-in-place orders and allow businesses to reopen. Policymakers will set criteria for when and how businesses can resume, but the private sector holds the real key to getting society back up and running. We need new strategies and innovations that will limit the risks of transmitting the virus, better treat those who do contract coronavirus, and still allow people to work, gather, and enjoy life again.

Federal Judge Throws out Equal Pay Claim by Women’s National Soccer Team

The U.S. Women’s National Soccer team last week lost to a formidable foe: the truth. On Friday, a federal judge in California threw out the female soccer players’ claim that their employer, the U.S. Soccer Federation, paid them less than players on the men’s national team. Judge R. Gary Klausner ruled that the USSF did not commit wage discrimination because it, in fact, paid the women’s team more than the men’s team on both a cumulative and per-game basis.