Ever since the Electoral College was invented in 1787, it was a compromise with democracy. It was initially designed to give more power to the slave-holding states in selecting the president, given that they had smaller populations than the non-slave-holding states and feared losing the ability to enslave people.
It took the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 to free the slaves, but the Electoral College remains, a permanent thumb on the scale.
Four times in our history so far, the party that has won the Electoral College lost the popular vote, including twice in the last 25 years. George W. Bush and Donald Trump lost the popular vote. If it weren’t for the Electoral College, Democrats would have won 5 of the last 6 elections.
The Supreme Court would have a strong center-left majority, reflecting the nation’s electorate. There would have been no Iraq War and no January 6 insurrection. Roe v. Wade would still be the law of the land, and presidents would not enjoy king-like immunity.
It’s time to fix these glaring structural flaws in our electoral system. Over the last 20 years, a movement has emerged to abolish the Electoral College and let the people pick the president.
Known as the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, states that sign on pledge to give all their electoral votes to the winner of the national popular vote. It only takes effect after 270 electoral votes are represented among the members, guaranteeing that the popular vote winner will also win the Electoral College.
Strengthen democracy! One person, one vote. Call for the Electoral College to be abolished by passing the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact now!
Dismantling the Electoral College would provide stability to our elections. In 2020, Joe Biden won seven million more votes than Donald Trump. The popular vote wasn’t even close in terms of the popular vote, but Trump was able to cast suspicion over states where the margin was smaller, making the election appear much closer than it was. This enabled Trump to spread his Big Lie and gaslight the entire country for the last four years, putting himself within reach of the presidency yet again.
Trump has never won the national vote. Similarly, in 2000, when George W. Bush won Florida by slightly more than 500 votes thanks to a Supreme Court decision to stop the full recount, Al Gore’s national margin was over 500,000: a clear electoral victory.
Already, states representing 209 electoral votes have agreed to the interstate compact. With continued public pressure, we can end the Electoral College once and for all!
The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact would effectively abolish the Electoral College. Add your name to call on states to pass it now.
Thank you for backing one person, one vote!
- Amanda
Amanda Ford, Director
Democracy for America
Advocacy Fund