Friend, I have bad news.
My radical leftist opponent, Christina Bohannan, raised $1.87 million in Q3, the most raised by any challenger candidate in Iowa history.
This is not the type of record-breaking numbers we like to see.
With only around a month left until the election, these are not the numbers our campaign hoped to see. But the fact is, Hollywood liberals are pulling out their checkbooks and donating everything they can to FLIP IOWA AND THE HOUSE BLUE.
SETTING OFF ALL ALARMS: THIS IS A CODE RED! This is one of the closest races in the country, and the winner will likely determine which party controls the House. If the Radical Left takes over, our country will be flooded with socialism, illegal immigrants, out-of-control spending and taxes, and rampant crime. We're the only thing standing in the way.
Control of the House may hinge on our race.
We don't have the luxury of taking millions from Hollywood elites, but those aren't my people; YOU ARE, Friend. That's why I need your help!
Will you chip in $20 today to ensure Republicans win back the House in November? We can stop the Democrats' Radical Socialist Agenda once and for all!
I've been one of the Democrats' top targets since I won my first race in 2020 by only 6 votes. It took over a month to certify the election results, and Nancy Pelosi tried to swear in my opponent.
This election cycle, the Left has been throwing millions of dollars behind my opponent just to try and take me down. Since I've been in Congress, I've fought for you and your family, and the Left hates that.
My opponent might have set a record for the amount raised by a challenger, but she also tops the charts for the number of lies she told!
We need to keep her and the Radical Left far away from the halls of Congress! Will you join me today?
I'm counting on you to chip in and join the fight. Will you stand by me?
God Bless,
Congresswoman Miller-Meeks
Paid for by Miller-Meeks for Congress | Miller-Meeks for Congress P.O. Box 33 Ottumwa, IA 52501 If you would like to send donation by mail, click here This message was sent to [email protected]. Don't want to receive our emails anymore? Unsubscribe