Electing More Pro-Family, Pro-Life, America First Conservatives!
Sunday, October 6, 2024
To: Friends & Supporters
From: Gary Bauer
Friends, the challenges we face are enormous. To defend our values, we are partnering with various allies, including Lindsey Communications, The Lindsey Foundation, Faith Wins and the Pacific Justice Institute to empower the resurgence of the Church vote. Below is their latest alert. Please share the resources included here with your church leaders and fellow worshippers. – Gary
The Church Finds Its Voice
A Coalition of Lindsey Communications, The Lindsey Foundation,
Faith Wins and the Pacific Justice Institute
to Empower the Resurgence of the Church Vote!
Comm #53:
Why America Has Always Valued Her Churches
Even those who have tried for decades to silence you, are themselves silenced when they witness the Church in tough times. Hurricane Helene has caused death and damage but as the federal government slowly reacts, neighbor is already helping neighbor and the Church is a ready tower of strength throughout.
And in a free country, this kind of individual initiative has historically been the case. Government is slow and it’s wasteful. However, one of our political parties pushes for more centralized government. They believe that is a good thing. The other political party disagrees, and by contrast, wants to preserve individual freedom and that includes freedom for churches.
What do you need to know about this? After all, it’s worth your survival as a Church to vote in leaders who’ll support your existence, who’ll respect your freedom, and who’ll protect your important role. Here are answers.
Greetings dear pastors. The four of us thought this might be useful just now. We’re five weeks out from the election and we want what you want; to keep freedom.
Here’s Brad, Chad, Kielle, and Joan to say how this can happen.
COMM 53 Video
The Church Finds Its Voice
Leadership Coalition
Joan Holt Lindsey, Owner and Founder of Lindsey Communications
Chad Connelly, Founder and President of Faith Wins
Brad Dacus, Founder and President of Pacific Justice Institute
Kielle Lindsey is the President of the Lindsey Foundation
WALLBUILDERS: America’s Best Historical Sermons for Your Consideration
WallBuilders sermons archives are aptly relevant to current political and cultural events.
TRUSTED MEDIA SOURCES (Credit: Media Research Center)
Washington Examiner
Daily Caller
Washington Times
Real Clear Politics
The Daily Wire
CNS News
News Max
One America News
El American
Contact Us:
Chad Connelly
President, Faith Wins
[email protected]
To read more about Church Do’s and Don’ts and for an expanded list of resources and contacts to call for help, please visit: http://faithwins.us/resources/
Brad Dacus
President, Pacific Justice Institute
[email protected]
Joan Holt Lindsey
Founder and President, Lindsey Communications
[email protected]
Kielle C. Horton
President, the Lindsey Foundation
[email protected]
