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The Dan Bongino Show
May 6, 2020
Listen to Today's Podcast:
ep 1231

In this episode I address the disgraceful arrest and prosecution of a Texas business owner for opening her business and trying to feed her kids. I also address the disturbing story of the takedown of General Mike Flynn and I produce all of the evidence you need to conclude that the government has failed us. Finally, I play a terrific new campaign ad by the Trump team.

Dan's News Picks:


The Bongino Report

Doomsday Epidemiologist Resigns After Breaking Social Distancing Rules He Recommended

Dr. Neil Ferguson, the epidemiologist behind the infamous London Imperial College coronavirus model, stepped down yesterday after breaking his own social distancing rules to meet his married paramour.


Obama Condemns Investigation Into Biden and Ukraine, Linking it to “Russian Disinformation”

The President who presided over Spygate is keeping Russia hysteria alive and well.


California Professor With Ties to China Blames Trump for Coronavirus

Chapman University Professor and de facto Chinese Communist Party propagandist Dr. Jia Wenshan blamed President Trump for the novel coronavirus, alleging he’s a “white supremacist” that must be “swept into the basket of history” in an op-ed for the state-run Chinese media outlet China Global Television Network.



Interview with President Trump
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