Krishna, a youth striker from the Philippines, shares her story and invites you to join her and other school strikers across the world in the Global Climate Strike this September. Check out the map, join and event or invite your friends!

Hi John,

I'm Krishna Ariola, and I'm a 21-year old youth climate activist from the Philippines.

Where I come from, for decades we’ve been caught between the powerful coal industry and people’s dream of clean renewable energy. I know first-hand what it's like to resist, and win.

I'm writing to ask you to join me and millions around the world to strike for the climate this September.

Find a Global Climate Strike event near where you live, John - or sign up to join the strikes, and we'll let you know as soon as there's an event planned in your area.

The story of the struggle against coal in my province Negros Occidental started the same year I was born, in 1997.

Since then, for over 20 years, women organisers have been leading countless mobilisations, protests and campaigns. We’ve won amazing victories, prevented 4 proposed coal burning plants from being built, and earned the name of the “renewable energy capital of the Philippines”.

We did all this by organising our communities, speaking out against injustice - and persevering. But we haven’t won everything yet, and we keep mobilising.

My parents and grandparents stood strong in protecting our homeland and the people who live here. My generation owes it to them to continue this fight. That’s why I joined the youth climate strikers and that’s why on September 20, I’ll be on the streets of Negros Occidental, Philippines. There’ll be thousands of us on the streets - and millions more worldwide striking for a safe climate and a better future.

You too can join together with people where you live for the September climate strikes. Check out the map of events, and RSVP if there's an event near you. No event yet planned in your area? Sign up to support the strike, and we'll let you know as soon as there's something.

Everyone is invited. Please help us make the climate strikes in September a turning point not just for the Philippines, but globally. Talk to your leaders, engage with your community, and be brave enough to imagine a better future. That is where we are heading together.

See you in the streets.

Sincere thanks,


Youth for Climate Strikes Philippines via

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