John, we need you to see this from CNN:

"Democrats face a daunting Senate map this year — nine of the top 10 seats on CNN’s ranking of the seats most likely to flip are held by Democrats..."
— CNN, August 2024


There’s no sugarcoating it — we must defy the odds this November or else our Democratic Senate majority will slip through our fingers. And recent polls show many must-win races will likely come down to the wire:

Polls showing Ruben Gallego, Jon Tester, and Sherrod Brown either narrowing leading or narrowly behind

That’s why we need your support right now, John. With exactly one month left, will you pitch in $1 or more to help us elect Senate Democrats and save our razor-thin majority? Every donation makes a huge impact in our key states >>

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you,

— Defend the Senate