This week in our round-up of must-read posts:
This week in our round-up of must-read posts: The housing market can be confusing, but if you've ever purchased a used car, you might spot some parallels. Summer's over, but residents in the hottest parts of DC are the least likely to enjoy bus shelters, year-round. To the sadness of our staff, the Anacostia River still isn't swimmable, thanks to stormwater and other contaminant causes; what will it take? Lots of Do Somethings in Maryland and Virginia this week, including a key moment to tell the Montgomery County Council that you want to see attainable housing.
Patrick McAnaney • October 1, 2024

To understand how supply and demand works in practice, the valuation of used cars—which, like the housing market, recently experienced both dramatic inflation and deflation—steers a useful metaphor.
Madeleine Bartin • October 3, 2024

Temperatures are cooling, but this year’s scorching summer highlighted a key disparity that links health and transit: some dangerously hot neighborhoods have the fewest bus shelters, while cooler neighborhoods often enjoy more. Built into the process for deciding where bus shelters will go is an incentive to consider which spots may yield the highest revenue for bus shelter advertisements.
Dan Reed (Regional Policy Director), Alex Baca (DC Policy Director) • October 2, 2024

This week on Do Something: don’t forget about ANC endorsements; zoning drama in Montgomery County and Arlington; and early voting is underway in Virginia.
Neal Franklin • September 30, 2024

Efforts to better manage stormwater runoff and toxic chemicals have made the Anacostia River healthier than it’s been for many years. But canceled swimming events showed it’s still not sufficiently safe for many activities. What’s it going to take?
Dan Reed (Regional Policy Director) • October 2, 2024

Community meetings don’t always reflect the people who live in that community, but it’s easy for decision-makers to forget when faced with a room of loud, angry people. That’s why we’re calling on the Montgomery County Council to do something about high housing prices and introduce attainable housing legislation as soon as possible.