Dear John:

Rent is due, bills keep coming, and we need to put food on the table, but over 30 million of us are unemployed. One $1,200 check isn't going to cut it.

Join us tomorrow to find out how Congress can get us the money we need to survive this pandemic and economic meltdown!

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib will tell us about her plan to give everyone a $2,000 check every month until this crisis is over and why it must be included in the next stimulus bill.

Economist Stephanie Kelton will explain that we can do all of the things we need to do–provide free testing, get money to the people, and fund a massive jobs program to get us back to work. Spoiler alert: the restraint isn't resources, it's political will.

Join us tomorrow at 5 p.m. Eastern for a livestream event to get the people the money they need!


Shawn Sebastian
People’s Action

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