Pennsylvanians are
This is the
opportunity we've been working towards. Help us seize the opportunity,
here's how.
Talk to the people you know. Sadly, most voters have
never heard of us. Your coworkers and family members are probably
feeling overwhelmed with presidential ads, they may be relieved to
hear that there are people trying to change the binary nature of our
politics and that they can help with a vote for Attorney General or
State Treasurer.
Highlight social media. We're attempting to increase
our presence between now and the election. Sharing, interreacting,
liking the things we post can get our message in front of new
Text and Phone bank. The Forward Party has tools that
you can use to support candidates across the country. Sign up to Volunteer
Here. It's fun, easy, and very helpful.
Work the Polls on Election Day. This is going to be
the biggest impact you can have with your time. Voters will be going
to the polls who can be convinced to vote for our candidates, someone
just has to ask them to. Please pledge to work the polls by replying
to this email or request materials with this
Canvassing Opportunities in
During our signature collecting campaign this summer, our
wonderful volunteer, Nancy Hanks, organized weekly opportunities at
Rittenhouse Square in Center City Philadelphia and now she's at it
again. Every Saturday between now and the election you can find Nancy
and a rotating group of volunteers getting the word out about Forward
and our tremendous candidates. Forward candidate Eric Settle has even
been known to join and meet voters himself.
On 10/26, we also are expecting to be joined by Forward Co-Chair,
Governor Christine Todd Whitman.
To Join Nancy, feel free to reach out to her directly at [email protected] or
just come to the corner of 18th and Walnut from 9:30am to 12:30pm any
of the next 5 Saturdays.
If you don't live near Nancy, you should feel free to duplicate
her effort in your town. Please reach out to us with tabling
opportunities and we'll help you set up an event.
Join us October 21st at 8pm
for our Monthly Statewide call to talk about how we support our
candidates of the next few months and why it's so important. Please
RSVP below.

There will also be an Eric Settle campaign call the week before led
by campaign manager Rafe Damico.

Forward Candidates Featured on

Check out their interviews below if you missed them.
Foster 9/27
Settle 10/3
Click below to read the

Support Our
You can work the
polls anywhere to support Eric or Chris. If you live near one of our
other endorsed candidates, please consider working a polling station
in their districts so you can distribute their materials
Pennsylvania Forward Party PA
Forward Party
