Hi there,
I’ll never get tired of saying this: thank you! On Monday, my re-election campaign for Congress in CA-25 faced its toughest fundraising challenge yet — our FINAL end of quarter deadline before the November election.
I won’t sugarcoat it — falling short wasn’t an option if we want to ensure our district stays blue this November. Luckily, Team Ruiz isn’t the type to stand down to a challenge.
A show of strength was critical, and that’s exactly what we did.
That’s why I’m so incredibly grateful for you and your support. It’s what carried us to and past our goal — and what’s going to lead us to victory in just 32 days! This isn’t a fight for one, or even two — this is a mass movement to defend the rights we hold dear.
We know all too well that in this day and age, nothing is guaranteed.
From reproductive healthcare to our ability to live in a clean and safe environment, we’ve watched as MAGA extremists in our government have sought to systematically undermine so much of the progress we’ve made in recent years. And so I’ll say it again: nothing is guaranteed.
But there is one thing that we can be sure of: regardless of how far they go, how many of our liberties they strip away — we’re not going anywhere. Because this is more about you and me — this is about securing our collective future.
And it’s through our work — together — that we’ll do just that. If you didn’t get a chance to chip in before the deadline, you can still do so and make just as big of an impact by clicking here.
Thank you for standing with me,