Mises Institute
Friday, October 4, 2024
Is the Dockworkers Union a Corporate Tool?
Thomas J. DiLorenzo
The dockworkers strike will increase prices while generally acting “in restraint of trade.” This, we are told, is exactly what big corporations want.
Repeating the Interventionist Excesses of the Tudor Period
Phil Duffy
Modern historians romanticize the reign of the Tudors in England, but in reality, they were brutal to their subjects and they centralized power to the detriment of the people.
Cronyism and Historical Revisionism
Ryan, Tho, and guest Patrick Newman discuss the importance of historical revisionism in the battle against statism.
The Truth about the Great Depression
Hoover put into place almost all of the New Deal policies that are blamed on FDR. FDR continued and deepened Hoover’s disastrous programs.
We Lose, They Lose: A Reagan-Trump Fusion
In the spirit of a new Cold War, Matthew Kroenig and Dan Negrea have written a new book which tries to fuse the foreign policies of Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump.
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The Regime Wants Appalachia To Suffer
Would America’s federal government deliberately undermine recovery efforts to try to achieve its own desired political ends? Of course.
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Simple Counters to Simplistic Critiques of Austrian Economics
Critics of Austrian economics often claim that real economic events are too complex to be dealt with via free markets.
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The Fed’s Two-Percent Inflation Target Is Meaningless
Ryan McMaken: the 2% price inflation target is just a political slogan.
Why American History Is Not What They Say

Jeff Riggenbach’s book is a godsend for anyone who needs a crash course in revisionist history of the United States. The state and its creations are not the heroes. The producers of capital, the average people, the voluntary society: these are the forces that make up civilization.

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