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The Biden-Trump scheme to raise your taxes!

Your head may explode before you get to the end of this message. Please try to hold it together because I'll show you a way to defuse the situation. 

The Constitution gives Congress the power of the purse. Only Congress can authorize taxes and spending. 

Yet numerous presidents have taken it upon themselves to raise your taxes without congressional approval

In fact, Biden and Trump have both done it! And Trump is…

Promising to raise your taxes again!

The Tax Foundation estimates that Trump raised taxes by $80 billion during his first term in office, without the approval of Congress. 

Since then, President Biden has kept those tax increases and added $18 billion of his own, once again without involving Congress. 

These Biden-Trump tax increases have cost the average household about $625 a year.

Is your head about to explode?

Are you convinced that Trump only cut taxes? Are you certain that only Democrats like Biden increase taxes? Well, think again!

It's almost unanimous. Nearly all economists of every political stripe agree that tariffs are a tax on American consumers. They recognize that foreign companies attempting to export goods and services into our country don't pay this tax.

Both Biden and Trump increased tariffs dramatically, without Congressional approval!

Now candidate Trump is proposing another $524 billion a year tariff tax hike! This is more than five times as much as Biden and Trump did together! 

The Tax Institute estimates that these new Trump tax increases will shrink GDP by nearly one percent, decrease U.S. capital stock by a similar amount, and cost nearly 700,000 jobs! 

This isn't a question of being pro or anti-Trump, because the Democrats now favor similar policies. This is a question of painful economic reality. It also begs a huge constitutional question...

How did Biden and Trump get away with this?

The answer is simple and disturbing. Congress delegated its taxation power to the President in a series of bills that are now more than 50 years old. 

But where does the Constitution give Congress the power to delegate its authority to the Executive Branch? The answer is, once again, simple. The Constitution grants Congress no such ability. 

Just now, the Judicial Branch is starting to acknowledge that Congress cannot delegate its powers. This spring, they issued a string of powerful decisions, including our recent court victory over the legal doctrine known as Chevron Deference

However, the delegated power to raise tariff taxes remains unaddressed. The court may get around to it eventually, but we have a solution that could be enacted right now. 

Our Write the Laws Act requires that all rule-making actions of the Executive Branch must first be approved by Congress before they can be put into effect. And what is a tariff increase if not a rule about what a specific tax should be? 

Our Write the Laws Act would make the Biden-Trump tariff tax increases unenforceable in a court of law, thereby rendering them null and void. 

Please help us restore Constitutional checks and balances. If you haven't already, join The 300 to help us gain a new sponsor for this legislation in your district.
Pass Write the Laws

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Set your own agenda, 

Jim Babka, President
Agenda Setters by Downsize DC

Today's Action: Don't Let Your Head Explode! Pass the Write the Laws Act
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