Last month, Kamala showcased her achievements in the THRILLING presidential debate. From being the tie-breaking vote in passing the Inflation Reduction Act to protecting and strengthening Social Security and Medicare from GOP attacks, to being on the frontlines of the fight for reproductive freedom – it’s clearer than ever that Kamala is the only candidate in this race who is READY to be president.
While Trump could only offer “concepts” during the debate, Kamala presented the American people with bold, concrete plans. Team, see for yourself:
💰 Cut taxes for middle class families
🏥 Expand access and bring down the cost of health care
💊 Restore and protect reproductive freedoms
👪 Make our communities safer from gun violence and crime
🔵 And so much more!
Despite the bold-faced lies on the debate stage from Donald Trump, Kamala Harris along with her partners in the states – Democratic governors across the country – are continuing to fight for and protect our rights and freedoms.
And it’s no surprise that polling after the debate showed a whopping 63% of respondents agreed that Kamala won – and now polling shows her LEADING Trump nationally by 3 points!
But we have to confirm Kamala’s support for ourselves – especially in the final days of this election cycle. So we’re reaching out to you to be one of the 28 grassroots supporters we need in xxxxxx to confirm their response and tell us now:
Do YOU endorse Kamala Harris?