Hello Friend,
Some people today would have you believe that our nation was founded on secular principles, insisting that “a great wall of separation between Church and State” has always been our guiding principle. They claim that the founders intended for Christianity to be completely absent from all forms of government.
These assertions are false, and I can prove it. In fact, I have demonstrated it in my book America Is a Christian Nation, using the words and actions of the founders themselves.
The truth is that, over time, secularists, humanists, and atheists have distorted our Constitution into something the founding fathers never intended.
I invite you to read America Is a Christian Nation to understand how our country has shifted from its reliance on God to a rejection of God—and how we can return to those roots of dependence on Him.
It’s a concise read, beautifully complemented by stunning patriotic photos that you’ll be sure to enjoy.
To express our appreciation for any gift you can make to Pathway to Victory today, we’d like to send you a copy of this book. I know you’ll find it both informative and engaging.
You can receive your copy of America Is a Christian Nation by making your matched donation here: https://secure.ptv.org/america-is-a-christian-nation-generous-gift-1
As believers, we need to do all we can to preserve America’s unique heritage and fight for our religious freedoms. I hope you’ll join me in this important work.
Thank you for your support of this ministry.
Dr. Robert Jeffress