There are only a few days left to check your registration status and make sure you are registered to vote in Texas! Please help us spread the word. The deadline for registering to vote in Texas is this Monday, October 7.
It’s particularly important this year that Texans double-check their registration status. After passing a sweeping package of voting restrictions, Governor Abbott and Texas Republicans purged 1 million Texans from the voter rolls and there are reports that they might be on the brink of purging another 1 million voters from the rolls.
We’ve already heard from active voters who have been affected. No one should assume their registration status—they should check it!
That’s why we’re getting the word out to as many Texans as possible before the registration deadline. You can check your registration here—where you can also find voter registration forms. (If you’re mailing in a registration form, it must be postmarked by October 7.)
If your registration is up to date, great! Take the next step and forward this email to friends and family to help them make sure theirs are, too.
These elections are as important as any we’ve ever had. The stakes are high, and we all need to show up at the ballot box. Today is the day to make sure we all can.
Team Lizzie